Outpatient Surgery Magazine

No More Empty Beds - February 2020 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Page 44 of 114

card would note 'beach chair position,'" she explains. "But that's all it would say. As a nurse, I'd position patients how I'd want it done, but that wouldn't be how the surgeon liked it. There were so many small differences we had to manage." Ms. Bachetti set out to develop surgeon- and procedure-specific edu- cational tools that could be accessed easily in the OR. She gathered all the surgical nurses and asked them which types of cases had the most frequent positioning variations from surgeon to surgeon. Turns out, it was shoulder and knee procedures. Ms. Bachetti then approached the facility's orthopedic surgeons to tell them about her project, and asked them about their specific posi- tioning preferences, and their rationales for them. Once she collected that information, she created PowerPoint slides for each surgeon and the procedures they performed. But the idea wasn't to put them in a binder; she wanted the information easily accessible to the surgical staff. She met with the hospital's IT department to develop a sharable file on a web-based collaborative platform. Now OR staff members can easily obtain positioning information through computers in the OR. "Staff access a list of our orthopedic surgeons," says Ms. Bachetti. "They click on a surgeon's name, and in his file are the procedures he frequently performs — ACL, rotator cuff, shoulder arthroscopy. Clicking on a procedure type displays the surgeon's digital preference card, which includes pictures of how they want patients positioned for the procedure." Ms. Bachetti held in-services to educate the entire staff on the use of the web-based tool. Positioning ambiguities? Gone. In fact, the suc- cess of the program led orthopedic residents to create a website with video instructions for each surgeon's steps for prepping, draping and surgical approaches. F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 4 5

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