Natalya E. Nelson, DNP, RN, CNOR | Santa Monica, Calif.
ast-minute cancellations of
elective surgeries send neg-
ative ripples outward from
empty ORs. Surgeons with-
out patients to operate on and
facilities with unexpected holes in their
schedules lose time and money. Frustrated
patients who were physically and mentally
primed for surgery lose faith in the providers
Avoid Costly Case
A single pre-op phone call can help
keep your surgical schedule on track.
• FULL STORY It's not enough to
keep a tally of last-minute case
cancellations. You also need to
keep track of why they happened.
2 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0