noticed ribbon retrac-
tors are always com-
ing back clean and
apparently unused.
The OR tech can ask
the surgeons if it's OK
to have the retractor
readily available, but
removed from the set,
which can reduce
total reprocessing
4. Encourage
Have OR and SPD
buddies attend each
other's staff meetings.
Consider carving out
15 minutes of the
meetings to report on
issues between the
areas that the buddies can address before getting back to their jobs.
This face-time is particularly helpful for SPD techs, who are at their
workstations all day in a corner of the facility, removed from interact-
ing with members of the surgical team.
SPD techs aren't just isolated from their co-workers in other depart-
ments, but from their peers as well. They're so busy that facilities can't
afford to send them out for continuing education, but doing so is
invaluable. They should go to seminars and be plugged into local chap-
Infection Prevention
2 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0
"Buddies should talk constantly,
not just to solve crises."