possible. The scrub tech adds on to the request, asking for two com-
plete instrument sets to ensure the surgeon gets the instrument he
needs. Two sterile processing techs hustle to the OR with four peel
packs and a cart loaded with three instrument pans. When they walk
in the room, the scrub tech says, "Never mind, I found what he wants
out of the pan I've already got." That's definitely not love I see in the
eyes of those hard-working sterile processing techs.
We all love that surgeon who recognizes how hard we are work-
ing to get it right. Sometimes we argue about who is going to
get to work his cases. He bought lunch for all of us last week from
that cute little bistro down the street, but it's not fancy meals we care
about. He's our favorite because of what he sees in us.
Contact Ms. Watkins at pwatkins12@comcast.net.
Behind Closed Doors
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