J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 5 9
egardless of size or specialty, every OR faces the same
obstacles to efficient room turnovers — inflexible
thinking, institutional dogma and long-held beliefs
about how rooms should be reset between cases.
Thankfully, there are several practical ways to give your
staff the tools and support they need to wipe down surfaces, mop
floors, position equipment and gather needed supplies faster than ever.
1. Trace the turnover team's steps.
Observe your
turnover team in action to identify areas for improvement. How many
people enter the room to clean and what role(s) does each play? How
many times do they leave to grab missing supplies? How often are
they called away to another assignment? What excess movements can
• ALL IN Engaging every member of the surgical team in addressing room turnover issues will result in scalable and sustainable
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
5 Tips for Faster Turnover Times
Flipping ORs between cases demands tight teamwork and proper planning.