2 2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9
n the months before our new GI center opened, we conducted a
series of simulations in the patient care area to assess staff
response to emergencies — before they occurred. To make the
experience authentic, we brought a CPR skills training torso to the
unit so staff could use the mannequin in their work environment
with the equipment they regularly use. During the simulations, we
identified 3 areas for improvement that facility leaders at Einstein
Endoscopy Center in Blue Bell, Pa., resolved before they welcomed
their first patients in February 2019.
Simulate Emergencies in Bedside Mock Drills
Let staff practice their response to urgent situations before they occur.
Michael Kost, DNP, CRNA, CHSE
• SIMULATING EXPERIENCE With the help of a CPR skills training torso, GI staff participate in simulated mock code emer-
gency drills at Einstein Endoscopy Center in Blue Bell, Pa.