1 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9
our certified
sterile process-
ing techs are
the gatekeepers for
the instruments that
end up in your ORs.
They compile trays
and doublecheck sets
to make sure instru-
ments arrive on time
and ready for use.
There's perhaps no
one in your facility
who's more dialed into
which tools are need-
ed — and which aren't
— for every case your
surgeons perform.
Tapping into their in-
the-trenches insights
will help you find cost-
saving opportunities and improve your facility's bottom line.
Case in point: Certified sterile processing techs at my orthopedic
surgery center worked with an instrument vendor to consolidate total
knee instruments from 6 trays to 2 trays, which eliminated around 100
instruments and saved our facility $320 per case in reprocessing costs.
Their efforts to consolidate instrument sets also:
Unlock Hidden Savings in Central Sterile
3 ways your techs can lower your instrument reprocessing costs.
Business Advisor
Alicia Apostoles, RN, BSN, MSN, MBA
• RIGHTSIZED When reprocessing techs prune unnecessary instruments from trays,
the cost savings are significant.