J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 5
little friendly competition
among staff can do won-
ders for your facility's
morale. More importantly, howev-
er, it will ensure folks retain criti-
cal safety and procedure proto-
cols. That's why we created a
"Game Station" where we hosted a
Family Feud style trivia contest
among staff.
It's a simple but effective way to ensure your staff remembers every-
thing they need to remember about your policies and procedures.
Start by breaking staff into 2 teams. Make sure different departments
(sterile processing, PACU, etc.) are represented on each team. This
not only ensures a fair competition, but it also fosters camaraderie
among different departments. Next, decide on which topics you'll quiz
staff. We created a board with 5 categories: pre-op, PACU, sterile pro-
cessing, periop, patient safety and codes. Each category includes 5 to
6 questions that can be anything from a specific policy detail to a gen-
eral question about the chosen category. For example, we asked What
are 4 identifiers our center uses for a fall risk patient?
The winning team received Starbucks gift cards — and bragging
rights. We hosted ours after a CMS survey because it served as a good
opportunity to go over the items we needed to improve upon.
Jane Bell, RN, BSN
Cityview Surgery Center
Game-show Themed
Events Help Safety
Training Stick
• TRIVIAL PURSUIT Staff at Cityview Surgery Center square
off for a Family-Feud themed competition on the critical com-
ponents of its policies and procedures.
Fort Worth, Texas