J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 0 1
Ziehm Imaging
Solo FD
Price: not provided
FYI: The Solo FD is promoted as having the smallest footprint on the
market. Its integrated intelligent heat management feature automat-
ically reduces pulse frequency in the event of a temperature
increase. Wireless is a big deal with this product, as its wireless
footswitch can initiate an X-ray, while images can be sent to PACS or
wall- or ceiling-mounted monitors wirelessly. The interface of the
touchscreen, based on an open, modular software architecture, can
be upgraded and expanded with additional software modules without
the need for hardware changes. It comes integrated with a 19-inch
dual flat-screen monitor mounted on an articulating monitor arm; a
24-inch landscape split-screen monitor is also available.