5 4 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9
Normothermia Without Forced Air, Hoses,
Machines & Noise!
Welmed's patent-pending line of disposable surgical drapes,
with integrated warming and thermal features, are designed for
perioperative and intraoperative use without forced air, hoses,
machines or noise.
• Pads: Integrated into surgical procedure drapes to provide a slow and
steady heat source to critical body zones.
• Thermal Materials: Integrated into perioperative drapes to retain body
• Intraoperative Use: Laparotomies, C-Sections, Robotics, Total Hip &
Knees, Spine, Vein
• Perioperative & General Use: Body Thermal Drapes, Caps, Foot
Covers, IV & Extremity Sleeves
For more information call 847-337-1750, email
thermal@welmed.us or visit www.welmed.us/thermaldrape.php
Maintaining Normothermia Just Got A Whole
Lot Easier…and Quieter
Keep patients safe from perioperative hypothermia and
communication errors with the new Level 1 Convective Warmer
from Smiths Medical. Unlike competitive units, this system is
very quiet. It emits only 42 decibels—about the noise level of a
library—so it never contributes to communication errors in the
OR. No calibration required; caregivers just push one of four
buttons to select the temperature setting. The hose-end
delivers air that is within 1 degree C of the temperature you
select. Several safety features are included. Use it with
pediatric as well as adult patients.
For more information, contact your Smiths Medical
representative at https://smiths-medical.com
Improve Your Bottom Line and Patients'
BHG Patient Lending is a patient financing partner for
ambulatory surgery centers and hospitals that offers patients
an affordable financing option to cover their out-of-pocket
healthcare expenses. Through a hassle-free online application
process, BHG Patient Lending eases the cost burdens of both
patients and medical providers so patients can afford their care
and facilities can reduce their accounts receivable.
For more information, visit bhgpl.com or call 866.297.4655
P R O F E S S I O N A L S E R V I C E S / F I N A N C E