2 8 • S U P P L E M E N T T O O U T PAT I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9
Save Time With This Scope Drying System
Reduce the time required to fully dry flexible endoscopes with
the ENDODRY cabinet from Cantel (formerly Medivators). This
advanced system uses instrument-grade air to dry internal
lumens in just one hour and the outside of the scope in three
hours. The system allows you to dry eight endoscopes at a
time and safely store them for up to 31 days without fear of
contamination. Easily track and monitor scope storage, time
and location. Any pressure or power loss triggers an alarm.
Choose from single-sided and pass-through configurations.
Pair ENDODRY with the ADVANTAGE PLUS automated
endoscope reprocessor and CANEXIS Workflow Management
Software to digitally connect endoscope workflow.
For more information, call (800) 328-3340, email
custserv@medivators.com or visit www.medivators.com
Our Commitment to Skin Prep Is More Than
Skin Deep
ChloraPrep™ patient preoperative skin preparation can help
reduce microorganisms on the skin that may cause infection.
In addition, we provide market-leading expertise, education
and resources to help reduce variability and improve patient
care. Go beneath the surface at www.bd.com/DeepChloraPrep
For more information, visit www.bd.com/DeepChloraPrep
This System Solves Reprocessing Issues
Make reprocessing faster and more accurate, start more cases
on time and make documentation simpler with the CensiTrac
surgical instrument tracking and management solution from
Censis. The system improves communication between the
SPD and OR; OR personnel can effortlessly specify picklists
and prioritize cases. Tools for techs streamline and improve the
accuracy of surgical tray assembly. Safeguards help ensure
staff possess the necessary knowledge to properly clean and
sterilize instruments. The system can tie each instrument to
each tray over the entire lifetime of both for complete patient
For more information, call (888) 877-3010 or
visit www.censis.com