These Fluid Absorbers Lower Risk And Cost
Manage fluid waste effectively and economically with Flagship
Surgical's fluid disposal products. The Suctioner is an anti-
microbial, disposable surgical mat that incorporates powerful
suction capability along with anti-fatigue properties. Dri-Safe
super absorbent pads are disposable, so there's no laundry
costs. They come in multiple sizes and backing options. The
Fluid Diamond floor aspirator's diamond shape allows for
superior fluid collection in more difficult areas to reach. Use it
under surgical tables and in corners. The EcoSuctioner is
Flagship's latest suction comfort mat. It's large enough for two
people to stand on comfortably but still lightweight, ergonomic
and economical.
For more information and to request free trials,
call 888-633-5843, email info@flagshipsurgical.com or
visit www.flagshipsurgical.com
Outstanding Products for Staff and Patient
Keep patients and staff safe with innovative products from
Stryker. You know the Neptune 3 Waste Management System
removes fluids and smoke quickly and efficiently; Stryker's
smoke evacuation options just got better with the SafeAir
smoke evacuation portfolio. Perform highly accurate, real-time
sponge counts with the SurgiCount Safety-Sponge System.
Help surgeons see what they're treating with the PhotonBlade
and PhotonSaber Y. They deliver bright, uniform light at the
point of treatment. Securely capture unused pharmaceutical
waste and render it unusable and non-retrievable with the
Cactus controlled substance waste management system. All
from Stryker, where patient and staff safety always gets equal
billing with superior surgical performance.
For more information, call 800-253-3210 or visit
Everything SP Professionals Need To Succeed
Sterile Processing (SP) professionals who want to improve
their job performance, enhance their knowledge and contribute
to positive patient outcomes firmly rely on the International
Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel
Management (IAHCSMM). Membership delivers access to
educational expertise, networking events, opportunities for
professional growth and more. Pursue any of the five
comprehensive certifications offered by IAHCSMM to ensure
that you possess the knowledge and skills necessary for
managing critical departmental duties safely, effectively and
consistently. Access to our publications, lesson plans,
podcasts, webinars, and other educational resources will help
you learn and grow as a SP professional. Join Today!
For more information, visit www.iahcsmm.org
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