8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9
ot both my
replaced in
late August — and
both at the same time.
Yes, I only had one
surgery, one hospital
stay and one course of
rehabilitation, but the
pain was just awful,
and I needed help
walking (cane and
wheeled walker) and,
ahem, sitting (shower
chair and commode).
My recovery was
longer and harder than
I'd expected. I was out
of work for 11 weeks,
sidelined for 3 issues
of Outpatient Surgery
and our OR
Conference in October. Due to a misunderstanding on my part, I got a
late start on physical therapy, but the threat of manipulation under
anesthesia kicked my PT into high gear.
As I write this 3 months post-op, I marvel at my before-and-after X-
My Double Knee Replacement Saga
Is it still considered "outpatient" surgery if you spend a night in the hospital?
Editor's Page
Dan O'Connor
• BOWED NO MORE My before-and-after X-rays.