N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 4 1
ost surgical administrators dread the day. You
know the one. It's the morning you get the call that
an accreditation surveyor is in the lobby waiting to
analyze every detail of how your facility runs, from
front door locks to discharge directions.
Knowing what to expect during a survey and focusing on preparing
your staff — and yourself — for what's likely to be covered during the
white glove inspection are keys to earning more distinctions than
Nicole Azzara | Contributing Editor
Ace Your Next Accreditation Survey
Preparing with a purpose will have you greeting surveyors with confidence.
Surveyors assess every aspect of your
facility to look for deficiencies, but they
also provide insights and advice for how
you can improve its overall performance.