N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 2 1
ou've just been informed that your testimony is needed for a
malpractice lawsuit involving a case you worked. Now what?
First things first. During the pre-trial deposition, the plaintiff's
attorney will try to extract information he can use during the trial.
You'll be sworn in, and everything you say will be on the record and
can be used against you. The focus in the room will be entirely on
you. It can be an intimidating, anxiety-ridden experience. Here's how
to best represent yourself against the allegations of a lawsuit if you
ever find yourself on the hot seat.
Don't Dread Depositions
You can take control of the questioning by being prepared and composed.
Medical Malpractice
William Duffy, RN, MJ, MSN, CNOR, FAAN
• THE WHOLE TRUTH Being honest with your responses to the plaintiff lawyer's questions will build your credibility before the trial.