1 0 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9
e recently asked several forward-thinking ENT
surgeons for insights on innovations that improve
outcomes and enhance patient care. Removing
the thyroid from inside the lower lip, maneuver-
ing instruments along pre-planned virtual path-
ways during sinus surgery and freezing nerves to solve chronic snif-
fling were among the buzz-worthy developments that have them excit-
ed about their specialty's future.
1. Transoral thyroidectomy
This "scarless" laparoscopic procedure lets surgeons remove the thy-
roid via a vestibular approach instead of open surgery. Jonathon
Joe Paone | Senior Associate Editor
New Opportunities in ENT
Get up to speed on hot trends in thyroid, sinus and sleep apnea surgeries.
• HIDDEN EXIT Transoral thyroidectomy is a scarless surgery that allows the surgeon to remove the gland from behind the
patient's lower lip.