2 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9
e'll always remember that day. Our surgical team
had just anesthetized a patient for spine surgery
when the anesthesiologist noticed the end-tidal
readings were rising and signaled to every-
one in the room to initiate our malignant hyper-
thermia response protocols. The team members sprang into action
like they had done it countless times before, because in fact they had
through regular drills and education sessions.
We were prepared, and executed the response plan to perfection.
The patient was stabilized and transferred to the ICU, where he even-
Dominique Hershberger, MEd, RN, CNOR | Wheat Ridge, Colo.
Are You Ready to Manage MH?
Good planning and plenty of practice will help you
stay calm, cool and collected when stress levels rise.
• DRILL TEAM Knowing response protocols inside and out will prepare your staff for the real deal.