5 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9
hen we experienced an uncharacteristic increase
in SSIs starting in August 2018 — 9 infections
over the next 6 months — we assumed the spike
was related to opening too many peel packs to
piecemeal instrument sets for our fledgling spine
program. But then the SSIs started spiking in mastectomies, lumpec-
tomies and hernias, procedures we've been performing for years. We
were dumbfounded and worried.
Raven Hulin, RN, BSN, and Jana Sally Edney-Poole, RN, BSN | Lafayette, La.
Clean Up After Yourself
A back-to-basics approach and consistent oversight
will help you wipe away infection-causing bacteria.
• ROOM SERVICE Regularly monitor your staff's work to make sure they're touching every surface between cases.