2 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9
he essential
elements of
proper endo-
scope care begin well
before the notoriously
devices are ready for
high-level disinfection.
The following proto-
cols that we estab-
lished for transporting
scopes from bedside
to the reprocessing
room and back again will lower cross-infection risks and eliminate all
doubts about whether a scope is clean or dirty.
Easy identification
Let's begin with a clean scope leaving the decontamination area.
Have staff lock the transport container with green clips and attach a
green "Clean" sticker on the outside. If you have the capability, tag
each container with a unique ID that can be scanned into an instru-
ment-tracking database. Our scopes are equipped not only with a real-
time location system (RTLS) that lets us track location, but also a
unique radio frequency information device (RFID) that tracks that the
validated cleaning process has occurred.
Note on the outside of the transport container the type of scope
Focus On Flexible Endoscope Care
Our standardized process for handling and transporting
scopes maintains high-level disinfection standards.
Infection Prevention
Diane Betti, RN, MSN, CNOR, CSPDT, ST and Michael Gudejko, BS
• LET IT ROLL Baystate Medical Center SPD coordinator Kim Smith pushes a case
cart with transport containers for clean scopes on top.