ou can keep
your office
door open or
your ear to the ground
and still not be tuned
in to what your staff
really thinks. Our
"You Said, We Did"
form solves that issue.
We keep it in a 3-ring
binder and encourage
anyone to jot down
ideas, with or without
identifying them-
selves, for improving
patient care or how we run the facility. Our leadership team looks at
the communication book every day and responds with notes about
how we fulfilled suggested action items (and the benefits realized),
updates on in-progress requests or why we didn't implement a sug-
Melissa Romeo, RN, BSN
AtlantiCare Surgery Center of Ocean County
Little Egg Harbor, N.J.
O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 7
Action Items Speak Louder Than Words
• IDEA BOOK This simple form keeps the line of communication open between staff
and leadership. Share updates to this list regularly at staff meetings.