S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 9
off for reprocessing is a long one: cautery pencils, pulse ox stick-
ers, pneumatic orthopedic tourniquets, blood pressure cuffs, SCD
sleeves, arthroscopic shavers, laparoscopic trocars, staplers,
ENT ablation wands and arthroscopic orthopedic cautery wands,
says Laura Rowe, MSN, RN, the director of nursing at Lakeside.
Items are reprocessed, and the facility can reorder whatever they
need through the company at a discounted rate. "We've saved
around $7,500 through reprocessing," says Ms. Rowe.
• Reusable (and memorable)
belonging bags. Instead of giving
patients plastic bags to put their
belongings in when they change
for surgery, AdventHealth Surgery
Center Lenexa (Kan.) provides a
reusable cloth bag. Patients are
then encouraged to use the bags
in green ways — at the grocery
store, for example — to avoid
using plastic bags.
— Jared Bilski
• DUAL PURPOSE AdventHealth Surgery Center
Lenexa gives patients these reusable bags.