S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 5 9
he winner of
this year's OR
Award for
Satisfaction goes to great
lengths to get patients to
fill out their post-op sur-
veys and even greater
lengths to implement the
suggestions those patients
"If we don't get feedback
from our patients, how are
we going to know where
we need to improve?" asks
Nikki Williams, RN, CNOR, the OR director at Lakeland (Fla.) Surgical
& Diagnostic Center.
The facility recently started giving an extra incentive for patients
to fill out the all-important survey. Inside of post-op thank you
cards, Lakeland includes a note letting patients know that if they
simply fill out the survey, they'll automatically be entered into a
drawing to win a $50 gift card. "We saw a nice little boost right after
we added the raffle," says Ms. Williams.
Of course, getting patients to respond to satisfaction surveys is only
Care Through the Patients' Eyes
Staff at Lakeland Surgical & Diagnostic Center see satisfaction
surveys as a golden opportunity to bolster every aspect of patient care.
Jared Bilski | Senior Associate Editor
• SCREEN TIME When surgeries unexpectedly run behind, Lakeside staff
will reach out to patients and ask if they'd like to watch something on one
of the iPads it provides.