make sure that what we think is a consistent process actually is a
consistent process." With the SPD consolidation, Baystate staff also
have better control of the scope inventory; they can monitor if scope
reprocessing needs to be prioritized to address a shortage.
• Scanning and
tracking. Baystate
hadn't been tracking
or scanning its
scopes. Now scopes
are entered into a
database and scanned
with RTLS (real time
location system) tech-
nology. Staff can
search the database
anytime and see
exactly where a scope
• Timing the
process. Ms. Betti
says Baystate worked
with a vendor to
implement timers sim-
ilar to the white but-
tons on turkeys that
pop up to let you
know they're done. A
staffer presses the
button when point-of-
use cleaning of the
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