Many advantages of updated cards
The paramount advantages of accurate preference cards are the
patient benefits of improved safety and experience, and minimal time
under anesthesia. There are many other benefits as well:
• Staff don't have to track down instruments at the last minute or,
worse, during the case.
• Instruments or even trays of instruments that aren't needed won't
enter the OR just to be opened and unused, so sterile processing staff
won't waste time reprocessing them (or, if they're single-use, you
won't have to throw them out).
• You'll only charge for what you use or open, and you'll be able to fore-
cast what materials you'll need in the days, weeks and months ahead.
• Your surgeons will appreciate you updating their preference cards
for them.
Ms. Lawrence (, a surgical technologist for
more than 20 years, is developing technology for surgeon preference cards at
Harmony Surgical Services.
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