S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 3 9
Price: $1,440
FYI: This 23.8-inch LCD monitor features HD resolution and is certi-
fied to meet UL and IEC 4th Edition specifications. TRU-Vu empha-
sizes its monitor's 3-year warranty as a key selling point. For infec-
tion control and ease of cleaning, the monitor's Zero-Bezel enclo-
sure is appealing: it provides an edge-to-edge glass front face. That
means there's no bezel with raised edges where contaminants can
build up underneath. Featuring DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort inputs,
the monitor is VESA-compliant for mounting on walls, booms and
mobile carts. Internal speakers are included, and on-screen controls
are lockable.