Outpatient Surgery Magazine

OR Excellence 2019 Awards - September 2019 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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What they're writing about In case you missed it… Each quarter, the editorial staff of Managing Risk will scan popular media and medical journals for articles of particular interest to surgical workflow professionals and summarize their content for our readers. So, just in case you missed it… Please and thank you go a long way. From the department of "everything gets analyzed at some point or another," National Public Radio (NPR) reports on a recently published study by JAMA Surgery which concluded that patients of surgeons who behaved unprofessionally around their peers tended to have more complications aer surgery. Researchers had gathered data on nearly 13,700 patients and more than 200 surgeons from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program. Post-operative reports were analyzed to see whether surgeons' colleagues reported any of four types of unprofessional behavior including 1. Unclear or disrespectful communication 2. Poor or unsafe care 3. Lack of integrity 4. Failure to follow through on professional responsibilities. When surgeons had one or more reports of unprofessional behavior over the previous 36 months, their patients were 12% to 14% more likely to experience complications in a 30-day period following surgery including infections, pneumonia, stroke and kidney failure. Jonah Stulberg, a general surgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital who has published research on surgeon performance evaluations commented on the study. "The findings show that a surgeon's technical prowess is not the only determinant of good outcomes. There's truly a safety benefit to professional behavior. For instance, nurses may be more likely to speak up about breaks in sterile technique if the physician is more receptive to them speaking up. But, if the surgeon is yelling all the time, those same nurses might not say anything." Doctors alerted to polio-like condition. According to a recent NBCnews.com report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is urging doctors to learn to recognize early signs of a polio-like condition in children, called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), and move quickly to collect lab samples for investigators. First diagnosed in the United States in 2014, AFM causes muscle weakness, problems with swallowing, slurred speech and potential polio-like paralysis. Some children have required the help of a ventilator to breathe. While the cause of AFM is unknown, the CDC suspects a virus is the likely culprit. What makes the virus difficult to pin down is the fact that symptoms of the condition oen don't reveal themselves until aer children start to recover from the infection. According to the CDC, cases of AFM tend to show up in late summer and early fall. The average patient is around five years old, and most patients have respiratory symptoms or fever consistent with a virus less than a week before developing limb weakness. If AFM is suspected, doctors are advised to immediately collect lab specimens including cerebrospinal fluid, and alert the health department if an MRI shows a spinal lesion. 2018 was the worst year on record for the condition, with 233 cases reported. The vast majority of cases were in young children, and 98 percent required hospitalization. More than half required a stay in the ICU. At the time this issue of Managing Risk went to press, less than 15 cases of AFM in eight states have been confirmed in 2019. Public health officials do not anticipate a significant short-term rise in confirmed cases since the illness tends to follow an every-other-year paern. 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As a result of this innovative market-relevant pricing initiative, Getinge is confident our customers will spend far less time on inefficient non-value added activities. Getinge sales representatives are available to explain the details of the program and ways that our company can provide additional relationship-based value for our customers. by Special December Edition: In our next issue, Managing Risk will examine the impact of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) on the U.S. healthcare system and how Getinge helps facilitate the planning and implementation of single-point ASC solutions for the OR and central sterile department.

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