Outpatient Surgery Magazine

OR Excellence 2019 Awards - September 2019 - Subscribe to Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Outpatient Surgery Magazine, providing current information on Surgical Services, Surgical Facility Administration, Outpatient Surgery News and Trends, OR Excellence and more.

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Did you know? as a single system to aggregate business volume and leverage economies of scale without sacrificing individual independence or local ownership. It's reported that TPC has approximately $1 billion in purchasing volume, and has achieved close to $250 million in documented savings since 2010. At the same time, there is a growing interest in the concept of micro-hospitals that is finding a foothold in a number of states including Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona. The majority of micro-hospitals are equipped with a limited number of inpatient beds, emergency departments, pharmacies, laboratories, and imaging services. Some also offer ancillary services, such as primary care, dietary services, labor and delivery, pediatric care and outpatient surgery. Priya Bathija, senior associate director for policy development at the American Hospital Association (AHA), told Kaiser Health News the AHA believes micro-hospitals "have the potential to help in vulnerable communities that have a lack of access to medical care." Currently, most micro-hospitals have been established in urban and suburban areas to supplement traditional facilities that have been overwhelmed by increasing patient volumes. Health systems also are using micro-hospitals to penetrate desirable markets that do not have enough demand for full-size hospitals. Only time will tell if underserved rural communities fit the bill as a desirable market. . But who's counting? There are approximately 2.5 trillion red blood cells in your body at any moment. To maintain this number, about 2.5 million new ones need to be produced every second by your bone marrow. Tick… tick… tick. Prior to manual cleaning, Getinge's Renuzyme foam spray has been documented to stay active for 96 hours to allow effective instrument pretreatment even aer lengthy unexpected delays in processing. Theodor to the fore. Endocrine surgery began with Swiss surgeon, Theodor Kocher, (1841-1917) who built upon the work of Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister. During his career, Kocher was able to reduce the death rate following thyroid surgery from approximately 50% to 1%. In 1909 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on the thyroid gland. Where smaller beats bigger. Getinge 46-Series washer- disinfectors provide superior throughput in a compact design for point-of-use applications where space is at a premium. Exclusive chamber design provides impressive load capacity of 8 DIN trays on 4 wash levels for CSD installations. Comparative data shows the 46-Series requires less water and detergent per load than comparable larger washers.

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