unsterile if it was reprocessed in a wrap that was punctured. If you're
constantly having problems with wraps, containers might be right for
you. The cost of containers is one thing, but the impact of having to
cancel cases is another, far more important issue to consider. If you're
setting up for a case and you don't have the instrument availability you
need, especially if it's a unique procedure that requires a one-of-a-kind
surgical set, that often leads to costly delays or case postponements.
2. When will you break even?
Initial investment in surgical wrap
can be cost effective. How do you figure out when you'll start to save
money? Start with your annual cost of buying wrap. If it's $20,000, then
call the container manufacturers. They'll give you a quote, and you'll have
a simple break-even point. You'll save money in the long run, but you'll
need to weigh the savings against the short-term investment.
Thankfully, replacement costs aren't part of your equation. I've seen
containers at facilities that are 10 to 15 years old and, as long as they're
inspected and maintained, there's no reason why they can't continue to
be used to keep instruments sterile for years to come. There are, how-
ever, maintenance and parts expenses involved and your cost analysis
will go awry if you don't consider them. The gasket under the lid of
many containers that creates a seal between the lid and container
needs to be in good working order. The locking mechanisms need to be
tightened or replaced, but not until many years after you purchase the
container. If the container has a filter, make sure it doesn't have any
holes in it and that the locks that hold it in place are checked. And, of
course, there is a cost for the filters themselves, which are replaced
after each use. You can get a maintenance plan from the manufacturer
or a third party to address these concerns.
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