1 0 8 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9
asers are powering numerous procedures at eye surgery
centers — cataracts, glaucoma, astigmatism, cornea and
retina among them — with more on the way. We spoke
to experts at high-volume eye surgery centers, all of
whom shared tips and gave rave reviews of laser tech-
nologies. Here are some aspects of the laser eye treatment space they
say you should consider.
Clinical versatility
John DeStafeno, MD, an anterior segment specialist at Chester County
Eye Care in West Chester, Pa., says his center uses lasers for cataracts
and corneal treatments, as well as to polish behind cataract lenses to
Joe Paone | Senior Associate Editor
A Look at the Latest in Ophthalmic Lasers
New treatments and excellent outcomes
are just a few of the reasons to add the technology.
• LASER PRECISION Eye surgeons are offering laser treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including floaters, glaucoma
and retinal disease.