2 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 9
To Our Readers
There's a lot to be excited about in orthopedics. Skilled surgeons are fixing shoulders, knees and
hips with the help of skilled professionals inside and outside of the OR because how well
patients are prepared for surgery impacts how well they'll recover. Business continues to boom in total joints, and surgeons and facili-
ties are capitalizing on the bundled payment model to increase revenues and deliver cost-effective care. Read all about it in this year's
Manager's Guide to Orthopedics, which explores the many ways technology and teamwork continue to move the specialty forward.
Cover design by Ethan Anderson | Photo by Pamela Bevelhymer, RN, BSN, CNOR
o u t p a t i e n t s u r g e r y . n e t
4 On Point
Surgery's Trendsetting Specialty
Louis Levitt, MD, MEd
11 Set Up for Success in Total Knees
Staff and surgeons at the St. Cloud (Minn.)
Surgical Center tap into technology and
teamwork to achieve excellent outcomes.
Daniel Cook | Executive Editor
20 Anesthesia's Role in
Total Joints Advancement
Optimized pre-procedure care, efficiency-
minded sedation and masterful pain management
prepare patients for speedy recoveries.
Girish P. Joshi, MBBS, MD, FFARCSI
27 How We Achieve Zero Joint Infections
Our hip and knee replacement patients
head home with healthy, healing scars.
Ronald Singer, MD
35 Positioning Pointers From the Pros
Orthopedic surgeons offer their top tips
for optimizing access during hip, knee and
shoulder procedures.
Jared Bilski | Senior Associate Editor
42 Get On Board With Bundled Payments
You can deliver quality outcomes at lower costs
— and profit, too — by managing every aspect of
an episode of care.
Joe Paone | Senior Associate Editor
51 Should You Be in the
Business of Fixing Fractures?
Outpatient trauma care is a cost-effective and
patient-satisfying option for repairing minor breaks.
Kendal Gapinski | Contributing Editor
58 There's a Smarter Way
To Handle Fluid Waste
Closed systems take the risk, expense
and frustration out of keeping OR floors dry.
Adam Taylor | Senior Associate Editor
67 What's New in Arthroscopic Visualization
Give your surgeons a crystal clear view
of what's happening, when it's happening.
Dan O'Connor | Editor-in-Chief
71 Fixing Stray Pets to
Help Them Find Loving Homes
Q&A with John Keating, MD, SFOA, a "human"
orthopedist with a heart for helping animals.
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