J U L Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 5
urgeons per-
form cutting-
edge care and
nurses are the heart of
health care, but it's
anesthesia providers
who have their fingers
on the pulse of same-
day surgical care.
Their abilities to effec-
tively prevent and
manage pain, prevent
PONV, titrate sedation
levels and secure the
most difficult of air-
ways determine how
quickly and safely
patients move through
your facility.
Anesthesiologists are
increasingly more
involved throughout
the entire episode of
care in order to optimize patients for surgery, see them safely through
procedures and prepare them for excellent outcomes. Same-day sur-
gery accounts for about 70% of all elective procedures performed in the
United States, and with total joints, thyroidectomies and hysterec-
Anesthesia's Advances Pace Outpatient Care
Skilled providers are helping you add increasingly complex procedures.
On Point
Girish P. Joshi, MBBS, MD, FFARCSI
• EXPERT TOUCH Anesthesia providers have a direct and significant impact on case
efficiencies and outcomes.