J U L Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 3 3
he anesthesiologist stirs and
looks up at the capnograph,
watching as the patient's end-
tidal CO
climbs steadily past 55
mmHg. Not good, he thinks, his
brow furrowing with the first traces of con-
cern. He reaches out and tries to open the
patient's jaw, but the rigid masseter muscle
has forced it shut. The anesthesiologist anx-
iously glances over his shoulder at the vital
signs monitor and zeroes in on the patient's
Visit the
MHAUS web-
(mhaus.org) for more
information about
preparing for an MH
event. MHAUS experts
are always available on
the MH hotline (800-
644-9737) to offer
real-time guidance
during an emergency.
Mike Morsch | Associate Editor
How to Stock Your MH Carts
Your staff needs easy access to rescue medications
and essential supplies when the patient's life hangs in the balance.
• GROUP EFFORT Surgical teams preparing to manage an MH crisis must have access to an organized MH cart.