J U L Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 8 1
oday's modern surgeons are directors and executive pro-
ducers of the motion picture institutes that are today's
sleek ORs, routing video from and to any flat-panel, high-
def display at the touch of a button. Let's look at what it
takes to navigate the cabling, complex configurations, tri-
als and vendor negotiations to successfully roll out integrated ORs at
your facility.
Like most high-tech purchases, a trial is key. At a former facility,
Jason Smith, MSN, director of perioperative services at Baylor
Surgical Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, worked with multiple vendors
Jared Bilski | Senior Associate Editor
Video Integration on Display
The success of your integrated OR hinges on the details that many
facilities overlook.
• END-USER ERROR A common mistake facilities make: Not getting feedback from the staff who will use integrated OR tech-
nology on a day-to-day basis.