tientsurgery.net/forms.) Patients now walk out the door with totes
made of upcycled blue wrap. We also sell the bags in the hospital gift
shop for $2.99, with all proceeds used to pay for the supplies needed
to make even more bags. I've also built prototypes of blue wrap rain
slickers and sleeping mats, which we plan on making and handing out
to those in need within our community.
Tami Ochs, RN
Overlook Medical Center
Summit, N.J.
J U L Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 9
• SEWING MACHINE From hems to handles, Tami Ochs, RN, (top) can make about 6 blue wrap tote bags in an hour. The bags
are given to discharged patients and sold in the hospital's gift shop.