5 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U L Y 2 0 1 9
1. Minimally inva-
sive glaucoma
stents. In 2016, the
FDA approved Xen45
Gel Stent and the Xen
for several groups of
glaucoma patients,
including those who
suffer from the more
common open angle variety of the potentially blinding disease. The
Eye Surgery Center of Western Ohio in Lima recently added these
stents to its list of available glaucoma treatment options. With this
minimally invasive procedure, the surgeon implants a soft, permanent
stent (approximately 6 mm long and as wide a human hair) through a
small, self-sealing corneal incision. The stent shunts fluid from the
anterior chamber of the eye to the subconjunctival space. The result
is a reduction in both intraocular pressure and the need for irritating,
allergy-inducing and expensive eye drops — a real patient satisfier.
5 Procedures Worth Adding
These surgeries are popular, pay well and are easy to incorporate.
Jared Bilski | Senior Associate Editor
dding new and innovative procedures is a proven way to
increase your revenue, attract new patients and surgeons, and
set yourself apart from the competition. And yes, total joints
is all the rage right now, but it's far from the only way you can expand
your offerings. Here are 5 other well-paying, satisfaction-bolstering
procedures that are relatively easily to add to your facility.
• STENTISFACTION Using gel stents like the Xen to treat open angle glaucoma
can reduce both the patient's intraocular pressure and their need for irritating and
expensive eye drops.