technologies, it's never, "This is as good as it's going to be." Your
first-generation Android phone or iPhone was far different than what
you use today. The same applies with these robots.
Robotic-assisted surgery lets us do procedures we couldn't do with
traditional laparoscopic means. The classic example is prostate sur-
gery, which used to be a longer operation that had associated known
complications. With the da Vinci robot, this operation now takes 60
to 90 minutes at experienced centers. Nerve injuries are far less
common, and recoveries are much quicker. The robot has sent that
operation to new heights, helping countless patients.
Robots are incorporating a lot of advanced artificial intelligence to
act as virtual assistants. Some now integrate CAT scan images or
immunofluorescence imaging to help the surgeon do a better, safer
operation. That sort of stuff is difficult to incorporate with traditional
laparoscopy, but it's coming.
We've found hybrid approaches are possible. We can use the
Senhance surgical system for certain aspects of specific operations,
while using traditional laparoscopy for others. I extract the advan-
tages of the robot, but can shift to traditional laparoscopy rather
seamlessly. Take a sleeve gastrectomy — we can do the dissection,
exposure of the anatomy and a lot of other things with the robot. As
of yet, there's no stapling platform for the Senhance, so I need an
assistant to bring in a traditional laparoscopic stapler. When I convert
back to laparoscopy with the Senhance, though, the port placements
are very similar to what I'd place in a laparoscopic procedure.
J U L Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 4 5
Surgical robots are only going to
become more affordable, functional and
cost-effective in the future because of
increased competition and demand.