2 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U L Y 2 0 1 9
e're all probably a lit-
tle numb to medica-
tion safety. We get it.
It's super important. We live the
life. It's easy to become compla-
cent until we have a problem.
Here are my top 5 injectable
medication safety tips:
If it goes on the table, it needs a label. Not only do we
want to ensure that any medications we place on the back
table are labeled, it's best to have a verification process when the
nurse hands off the meds to the tech in the OR. Make sure the
tech visualizes and confirms all meds, and that the label is verified
correct as well. AORN recommends labels include name,
strength, concentration and expiration date.
If you didn't draw it, don't give it. Unless you are a direct
witness to another person drawing up a medication, think
twice before administering. I've heard of stories of wrong meds
being given and misunderstood dilutions resulting in medication
errors due to well-intended handoffs gone wrong.
Do your homework. If you haven't given a med before, or it
has been a while, take a minute to look up the drug adminis-
tration information. Important things to consider include how to
dilute, how fast to push, and contraindications with other medica-
5 Injectable Medication Tips
A review of safe practices to avoid drug-related mishaps.
Leslie Mattson, RN, BSHM, LNC
• MED SAFETY Always maintain focus when drawing up meds
and labeling syringes.