1 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U L Y 2 0 1 9
hether you're a new
OR leader still set-
tling into your role or
you've been herding surgeons
for years and have the battle
scars to prove it, one thing is cer-
tain: You've got an incredibly
challenging job that's been
known to chew up and spit out
nurse managers who didn't have
what it takes to run the show. No
worries. We've got you Coveyed.
With a nod to self-help guru
Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective People, here are
the 7 habits of highly effective
surgical administrators.
Keep your facility in continuous compliance
Making sure your facility complies with reams of regulatory
requirements is a mission-critical part of your job. Ambulatory surgical
centers (ASCs) must comply with the federal requirements set forth in
the Medicare Conditions for Coverage (CfC) in order to receive
Medicare/Medicaid payment. The regulations inside Appendix L
(osmag.net/Za6KHy) of CMS's 151-page State Operations Manual,
"Guide for Surveyors: Ambulatory Surgical Centers," is probably the
most comprehensive document available to help ASC administrators
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Administrators
A roadmap for your personal and professional success.
DeeDee Dalke, CPPM, CPC
• SWIMMING WITH THE SHARKS For many administrators, the
transition to the business side feels like being dropped into the
deep end of the pool without ever having learned how to swim.