3 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U N E 2 0 1 9
ids like to drive electric cars to the OR. Older patients
prefer the quiet ride of a motorized stretcher chair that
transforms from seat to transport stretcher to OR table
to recovery recliner as you wheel them from one sta-
tion to the next.
A strange calm comes over our cataract patients when we tell them
that they never have to move from their pre-operative chairs until
after they've had their snack and sunglasses. When we show them to
their recliner at check-in, they feel like first-class passengers on a 2-
hour direct flight to
Victoria Wiltshire, MBA, RN | Sunrise, Fla.
Sweet Ride From Start to Finish
Stretcher chairs let patients begin and
end their surgical journey on the same surface.
• SET IT + FORGET IT You can control patient positioning for pre-op, transport, surgery and post-op with a push of a button so
that patients never have to move from their stretcher chair.