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3T Medical Systems/One Tray
With increasing procedure volumes, hospital demands, and
limited owned or loaner inventory; ASCs and hospitals have
long struggled with the problem of providing the same standard
of care to each and every patient. ONE TRAY
sterilization containers allow for terminally sterilized
instrumentation, implants, and drills in a prevacuum cycle in
20 minutes vs. 2 hours. Streamline your surgical scheduling
and allow for quick turnover. Reduce your investment in
back-up instrumentation. And most importantly, provide ONE
standard of sare and safety for ALL patients. 3T Medical
Systems is a proud distributor of ONE TRAY
, blood
management products, and other innovative operating
room disposables.
For more information, visit www.3tmedical.com or
AccuVein Inc., the global leader in vein visualization, helps
clinicians achieve rapid, successful venous access with
minimum patient pain. The new AccuVein AV500 facilitates vein
location for venous access procedures by providing a map of
the patient's vasculature on the skin's surface. Just point and
click to display the veins beneath!
For more information, call (888) 909-8888 or visit
Advance Medical Designs
The Advance Room Turnover Infection Control System (A.R.T)
will revolutionize your OR. A.R.T is the disposable answer for
today's OR. There are several benefits of using our A.R.T
System, such as improving infection control techniques,
minimizing cross contamination, protecting OR equipment,
enhanced fluid management, standard of care for each patient,
and custom designed kits. When using our system, hospitals
have the opportunity to participate in our Value Added Goods
(VAG) program. We provide SMART Guard patient positioning
and pressure relief gels, various style hampers, storage
containers, and mop handles all at no additional cost to
the hospital.
For more information, call (770) 422-3125 or visit