4 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U N E 2 0 1 9
un your world-class surgical facility like a world-class busi-
ness with this 3-hour intensive workshop. If you're like many
clinicians, business is not your specialty. You might not have
received any formal business training. You might not have a head for
numbers. But you need it in today's healthcare environment.
Not to worry: A trio of consultants from CPA and advisory firm
BKD's National Health Care Group — Kevin Rash, Cindi Goddard
and Eric Rogers — will be on hand at ORX to get you started on the
road to financial literacy with their session "Maximizing Surgical
Service Line Profitability." They promise it won't be a one-way lec-
ture either — it'll be a lively, interactive session.
Mr. Rash says the focus of the session will be on teaching OR lead-
ers how to run a business. For example, the consultants will provide
guidance on how to build and monitor budgets. "We'll be sharing
insight on all the 'blocking and tackling' clinicians need to know," he
Another topic that will be addressed is marketing. As competition
in the surgery market continues to grow, your facility needs to think
like any other company that provides goods and services. The BKD
trio will tell you how to assess your community's needs, size up your
competitors, grow your market share and become a disruptive force
Master the Mystery of
Your Facility's Finances
Kevin Rash, MPT, FACHE, Director,
Health Care Operational Performance Improvement, BDH
Cindi Goddard, RN, BSN, MPH, Senior Managing Consultant,
Health Care Performance Advisory Services, BDH
Eric Rogers, Director,
National Health Care Group, BDH