3 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U N E 2 0 1 9
our anesthesia providers get paid to
wake patients from surgery free of
pain and PONV, but you need them to
go above and beyond that basic job descrip-
"Clinical competency should be a given,"
says Jay Horowitz, CRNA, owner of Quality
Anesthesia Care Corporation in Sarasota, Fla.
"Now, it's all about finding added value, the
extra things providers can do to help you
achieve excellent outcomes and deliver cost-
effective care."
During a 3-hour workshop on the confer-
ence's opening morning, Mr. Horowitz will be
joined by anesthesiologists Thomas Durick,
MD, of Envision Physician Services in Walnut
Creek, Calif., and Ashish Sinha, MD, PhD,
DABA, MBA, of Temple University in
Philadelphia, Pa., to let you know how to get
Demand More From
Your Anesthesia Providers
• Dr. Sinha is professor
and vice chairman of the
department of anesthesi-
ology at Temple
University's Lewis Katz
School of Medicine in
Philadelphia, Pa.
• Dr. Durick has served as
medical director of a
busy surgery center in
the San Francisco Bay
area for 10 years.
• Mr. Horowitz is an active
member of the American
Association of Nurse
Anesthetists, and a
champion of the value
and skill that CRNAs
bring to the OR.
Speaker Profile
Ashish Sinha, MD, PhD, DABA, MBA
Temple University | Philadelphia, Pa.
Thomas Durick, MD
Envision Physician Services
Walnut Creek, Calif.
Jay Horowitz, CRNA
Quality Anesthesia Care Corp.
Sarasota, Fla.