ame-day total joints continues to be
one of surgery's hottest specialties.
Patient demand is increasing at an
exponential rate, progressive surgeons want
to perform the procedures and insurers end
up spending less for high-quality care.
"Adding the procedures is a great way to
position your facility for the future of outpa-
tient orthopedics," says Darci Nagorski,
administrator and CEO of the St. Cloud
(Minn.) Surgical Center. Ms. Nagorski and key
members of St. Cloud's clinical team will run
an informative and interactive workshop at
OR Excellence, during which they'll share the
insights and expertise they've gained from
replacing 1,200 joints since launching their
own program nearly 5 years ago.
• Coordinated care. Ms. Nagorski will dis-
cuss the challenges and opportunities of
working with an independent group of orthopedic surgeons who bring
cases to her multispecialty facility. Making the arrangement work
demands clear and effective communication. "We're con-
stantly making sure our goals are aligned," says Ms.
Nagorski. "That begins with confirming patients are
appropriate candidates to have their joints replaced in
2 6 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • J U N E 2 0 1 9
Darci Nagorski
St. Cloud (Minn.) Surgical Center
Build a World-Class
Total Joints Program
• Spent 16 years oversee-
ing 4 outpatient imaging
centers and 3 hospital
radiology departments.
• Has served 2 years as
administrator/CEO of the
St. Cloud Surgical
Center, an 11-room facil-
ity performing about
10,000 multispecialty
cases a year.
• Sits on the board of
directors of the
Minnesota Ambulatory
Surgery Center
Speaker Profile