anaging your employees is
one of the most time-con-
suming tasks you face, and
dealing with excessive tar-
diness, constant call-outs,
endless turnover and personality conflicts can
be aggravating.
Ann Geier, MS, RN, CNOR, CASC, under-
stands your frustrations. In her 30-plus years
in the ambulatory surgery industry, she's seen
it all — and developed a blueprint for building
a productive and respectful team. Ms. Geier,
an engaging speaker who is the chief nursing
officer at Surgical Information Systems, will
draw from her vast leadership experience to
help you tackle persistent staffing challenges.
• Show them the way. Showing staff what's
expected of them through your own day-to-
day actions is a proven way to prevent prob-
lematic behaviors that wreak havoc on your facility's productivity, effi-
ciency and morale. Ms. Geier will offer concrete examples of how the
best managers lead by example.
• Manage personalities. You have extroverts interacting
with introverts, sensitive staffers navigating the under-
handed tactics of passive-aggressive workers (every OR's
J U N E 2 0 1 9 • O R E X C E L L E N C E . C O M • 1 5
2 0 1 9 P R E V I E W
Ann Geier, MS, RN, CNOR, CASC
Surgical Information Systems | Alpharetta, Ga.
Conquer Those
Persistent Staffing Problems
• Serves on the Outpatient
Surgery Magazine
Editorial Board and has
worked in the ambulato-
ry surgery industry for
more than 30 years.
• Is an accreditation sur-
veyor and past board
member of the
Ambulatory Surgery
Center Association.
• Chief Nursing Officer
for Surgical Information
• Author of the free e-book
Admin 101: What Every
New ASC Administrator
Needs to Know
Speaker Profile