vide an element of objectivity in the assessment process. In many
cases, they will also provide interventions to improve compliance in
those areas demonstrating need.
Improving com-
Most experts agree
that education is key
to improving compli-
ance with best prep-
ping practices.
Importantly, discuss
the evidence behind
dry times and applica-
tion techniques. For
example, studies
involving 2%
chlorhexidine glu-
conate (CHG)/70%
isopropyl alcohol
prep solutions have
shown that a back-
and-forth application
technique, starting
with the least contam-
inated area and mov-
ing to the most con-
taminated area, is the
most effective means
of working the solu-
M A Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 1
instrument channel dryer