which is up from the 20- to 24-inch HD monitors that dominated the
market just 5 years ago, says Mr. Soudagar.
Most 4K monitors are 32 inches, though there are some decent quality
30-inch 4K monitors, says Mr. Soudagar. And 32 inches is the largest
screen size you're likely to see in the surgical field for a very simple rea-
son. "It's the maximum weight that can be borne by the arms that hold
up the monitors in the surgical field," says Mr. Soudagar. With the cre-
ation of lighter monitor panels, we may see the surgical field displays
going up to 36 inches — "but that is unlikely any time soon," adds Mr.
Another consideration is space. Most ORs are already crammed
with equipment. Jumping from a 26-inch HD monitor to a 32-inch 4K
screen might not seem like much, but when you're talking about
already cramped quarters with precious little free space, that small
amount can impact the flow during surgery, says an expert in integrat-
ed workflow solutions. Even minor increases in screen size can take
your surgeons and staff some getting used to, he says.
Placement is paramount
Some argue that screen placement matters more than screen size. If
you have surgeons who are cranking out 4 to 6 cases per day, fatigue
will set in more quickly if the monitors aren't optimally placed.
"I easily spend 12 hours in the OR on certain days, and with good
monitors set up correctly for my needs, I don't feel tired and the quali-
ty goes up," says Miroslav Uchal, MD, FACS, FASMBC, director of
bariatric surgery at St. Vincent's Medical Center in Jacksonville, Fla.
What does proper OR placement look like? The viewing guidelines
(osmag.net/8zCVsK) we rely on for at-home TV viewing generally
hold true in the OR as well. Surgical equipment planners recommend
placing wall monitors at the foot of the bed and around 8 to 10 feet
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