M A Y 2 0 1 9 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y. N E T • 1 7
onitoring hand hygiene compliance need not be a bore
of a chore. No, you can make it fun. I gave our man-
agers "Presidio Police" badges and water guns filled
with alcohol gel so they can "shoot" (more like "squirt") staff
members who fail to practice proper hand hygiene. Managers
shout, "Caught red-handed" or "Hand hygiene police" before
pulling the trigger.
Jessie Scott, MBA
Presidio Surgery Center
San Francisco, Calif.
Hand Gel Water Guns
• SAN FRANCISCO TREAT Presidio Surgery Center PACU Manager Carolyn Carroll, RN, squirts a water gun filled with
hand gel at a colleague.