1 4 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A Y 2 0 1 9
To remind the surgi-
cal team of the cor-
rect surgical site, we
printed out stacks of
"left" and "right"
signs and laminated
each one. In pre-op,
we clip a sign to the
patient's stretcher.
When the patient is
wheeled into the OR,
we clip the sign to
the IV pole, which is
positioned on the
side of the surgical
table where the
operation should
take place. The sign
provides a visual
reminder of the cor-
rect surgical site as staff and surgeons go through their multiple
checks before surgery begins. At the end of procedures, we wipe
the signs down for reuse.
Mary Chiasson, RN
Memorial Hermann Surgery Center
The Woodlands, Texas
Clip-on Reminders Of the Correct Side
• SAFETY CHECK Signs clipped to IV poles remind the surgical team which
side of the patient to operate on.
Ideas Work