2 0 • O U T PA T I E N T S U R G E R Y M A G A Z I N E • M A Y 2 0 1 9
e're told we are part of a surgery
team. But how much teamwork
actually happens where you
work? OR nurses are known for being
tough, smart, no-nonsense, bottom-line
kind of people. After all, we have to "get
'em in, get 'em out," while providing safe, quali-
ty care. Doctors are tapping their feet to get the
cases going and administration is analyzing
turnover times. It's stressful. And the surgical
environment does not lend itself to collabora-
tion. Here are 5 strategies to create an environ-
ment where, at least most of the time, we can all
just get along.
It starts with the team. Every member of the team influences
how the team works. I think I have a pretty good gut instinct.
You know, that second sense that will shoot red flags of "Warning!
Warning!" when something doesn't feel quite right. Some flags are eas-
ier than others to see. And some you don't see until it's too late.
I've had candidates who aced the interview. I checked references,
even with a few people who we knew. No red flags. Or at least I
couldn't see them. I hired a manager who fit this profile. Several
months later she overstepped her position more than once and then I
saw the red flags. I realized I couldn't trust her, and her colleagues
relayed to me they could not trust her. After one of her oversteppings,
she offered her resignation. The mentoring side of me thought I could
Kathy Williams Beydler, RN, MBA, CNOR, CASC
famous coach once said: "The
strength of the team is each
individual member. The strength
of each member is the team."
Can't We All Just Get Along?
5 strategies to foster better teamwork.