ently for pain than they do for depression," he says.
Not only do these drugs enhance patients' ability to inhibit pain sig-
nals, they can also be used to treat pain like arthritis. For example,
the depression and anxiety drug Cymbalta is approved for muscu-
loskeletal pain, which includes knee arthritis and lower back pain.
"Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs work very well, but they work
much better for nociceptive pain, and really are better for acute pain
rather than chronic pain," says Dr. Cohen.
Other non-opioid treatments to reduce pain include 4 to 6 weeks of
physical therapy in conjunction with non-opioids like muscle relax-
ants and integrative treatments such as acupuncture.
"Of course, the use of these treatments depends on the patient, pain
condition and the severity of the pain problem," says Dr. Ng.
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